An exclusive granite with unique characteristics that is appreciated all over the world!

Being the GRANIDIAS supplier of the main construction companies in Portugal, the vast work developed by the company over these more than 25 years is the proof of the diversity and quality of products and services that the company has available. 

The Boticas Yellow Granite has characteristics that make it unique in the world and enrich the county with several statistical monuments, such as the Calaíco Warrior or Castrejo é the exponent of the highest national archaeology; It represents, according to the most respected authors in this field, the image of divinity and the warrior character of the Castrejo civilizations that inhabited the region.

The four statues of Calaic or Castrejo warriors that appear in the imposing Lesenho Castro are currently in Lisbon or in the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, where the two that were found in the best state of preservation are in Lisbon. These statues are a true "ex-libris" of the museum, and they are all in Boticas Yellow Granite, thus demonstrating that this granite has been worked for many years. These estatilde;tuas are related to the Celtic people who inhabited the land of the county.

With a wide range of materials, in GRANIDIAS find the ideal solution for your home or establishment. Fireplaces, toilets, barbecues, railings and even decorative pieces for the garden are some of the products you can customize to your liking.

In deposits and graves, the GRANIDIAS has the best materials for the creation of funerary deposits. Consult the portfolio and find the right tombstone for your needs.